on Jan 24, 20

5 Evidence Based Ways to Boost Testosterone

Testosterone is one of the most important male sex hormones.  It’s normally produced in the testis. The hormone is responsible for male growth, even though small traces can be found in women as well. Testosterone levels in the body vary a lot depending on age.

Younger adults tend to have optimal levels, in fact, high testosterone levels during puberty are often the main causes of physical changes that boys experience as they grow up to become men. However, with age, testosterone may drop significantly.

Why Low Testosterone Is Bad For You?

Low testosterone levels may affect various facets of your life. First, falling testosterone will have adverse effects on your sex life. Men with low testosterone levels are known to have low libido and may experience erectile dysfunction too. Additionally, a drop in testosterone may also lead to muscle wasting, weight gain, and increased fat development. You may also experience declining energy levels as well.

How to Naturally Boost Testosterone

Well, the good news is that, even as testosterone levels drop, there are several ways you can explore to return this important male hormone to its optimal level. here are a few suggestions:

1.     Exercise and Strength Training

Regular exercise can have a lot of positive effects on enhancing testosterone levels in the body. This study noted that testosterone levels among elderly males who exercised regularly were relatively higher compared to sedentary men.

Resistance training like lifting weights is in particular linked to a significant boost in testosterone in men and women alike. High-Intensity Interval Training may also help with this too.

2.     Consider Adding Testosterone Boosting Foods in Your Diet

Maintaining a balanced diet is considered one of the most effective ways of keeping lifestyle-based diseases at bay. A proper diet may also increase testosterone levels in males.  However, certain foods have been linked with higher testosterone. Foods like oysters, ginger, veggies, and fortified plant milk can all help boost testosterone levels massively.

3.     Reduce Stress

Stress may have long term implications on your health and may ultimately affect testosterone levels in your body as well. According to research, stress will lead to elevated levels of the hormone Cortisol. Cortisol is an important hormone that regulates human metabolism and the immune system. But some studies have shown that elevated levels of cortisol may negatively affect testosterone levels in the body.

Stress may also affect other aspects of your life that may cause an indirect drop in testosterone. For example, higher stress levels are linked to weight gain and obesity, which will all negatively affect testosterone levels.

4.     Increase Vitamin D Intake

Vitamin D has an array of health benefits. This essential vitamin may also help boost testosterone in males. This study, for example, found that test subjects who were treated with 3000 IU of Vitamin D3 per day saw a 25% jump in testosterone levels. Some studies also show that regular Vitamin D intake may help optimize testosterone levels in elderly males. The Vitamin also reduces the risk of testosterone decline with age.

Despite this, a lot of Americans do not get the recommended daily intake of Vitamin D. The good news is that there are several sources of Vitamin D. For example, basking in the sun may lead to enhanced Vitamin D levels in your body. There are also certain foods such as salmon, sardines, tuna, and cod liver oil that are very high in Vitamin D3. You can also consider using over the counter supplements as well.

5.     Rest and Quality Sleep

Getting plenty of rest and enough sleep can be just as important to your health as a healthy diet and regular exercise. Sleeping well may also help increase testosterone levels. Although different people have different definitions of enough sleep, some studies have linked low testosterone levels to lack of enough sleep.

This study, in particular, found that people who got just got four hours of sleep had deficient levels of testosterone. Some studies even found that every hour of sleep leads to a 15% spike in testosterone levels in the body.

Low levels of testosterone can have adverse effects on your health, sex life, and relationships. Although the hormone drops naturally with age, the five evidence-based solutions above can help you get it back to its normal levels.

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